
Published by Audrey Hopkins on

giraffe rose checkCarnival season in New Orleans has already started.  Officially, it begins on Twelfth Night, right after the 12 days of Christmas, and ends on Mardi Gras.  Mardi Gras is called Fat Tuesday because, like many other religions, it is the great feast before the fast.  The next day, on Ash Wednesday, the Easter season of Lent begins.

On Twelfth Night, one can eat King Cake — the kind of cake that has a trinket baked inside and makes you king or queen for the day–excepting you also win the right to bring the cake to next year’s party!  Then begins the season of parades and balls as organized by Krewes, or social clubs.

I have often wondered why we don’t enjoy more of the carnival season in other parts of the country.  January 6th until March 4th (this year’s Mardi Gras) is a long time that we could be having parties and eating fun food!










1 Comment

mh · January 15, 2014 at 5:59 pm

LOVE this particular design!

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