
Published by Audrey Hopkins on

When I was little, I loved nothing more than to play with ribbons all day long.  Endlessly fascinating streams of bright colors and patterns littered my floor.  I wore them in my hair, put them on my bike handles, created pom-poms, braided them into gizmos and used them to decorate all my things.  Ribbons seemed the ultimate in luxury.  When I grew up I put the ribbons away, somewhere up there with all the stuffed animals and other fun things that college students eschew because they are trying so hard to be grown-ups.  I am happy to say I’m over all that now!  Ribbons, my friend, are still the most fun things you can find for a dollar.  Perhaps you don’t want the neon green ones anymore, but I bet if you put a few tasteful bunches of ribbon around your space it might just feel a little more colorful, and–dare I say it–fun!!  Now, I have the ultimate luxury in DESIGNING ribbons.  That’s right, folks, no longer do we need to be restricted by what we can find at craft stores.  Those selections are far too limiting for our bright imaginations anyway, so come on and join me!