Leaf Peeping…

Published by Audrey Hopkins on


This weekend looks to be the peak of fall color for Maine and the northern-most states, and so begins the pendulum of trees turning and losing their leaves just in time for winter. It’s hard to think of trees feeling warmer without their leaves; I can’t imagine shedding layers as a good strategy for people, can you?

But I enjoy leaf-peeping—pleasantly driving along roads watching the leaves turn and swirl in piles on the lawns and sidewalks, a few jack-o-lanterns and cornstalks decorating the homes and mailboxes as we pass by as though singing out “welcome, fall” to their neighbors and rejoicing in the season. Because, if we have to be cold and stay inside, we can at least throw a good party!  Halloween is all about putting on more layers and eating something yummy, after all!