January Snowflakes Bring Delicate Patterns

Published by Audrey Hopkins on

edwardian4 multiBanish January blues with delicate patterns.  This is the time of year when light and dainty works best.  Add air and light to dull surfaces inside by mimicking the bright intricacy of snowflake patterns found outside.  It’s a little trick-of-the-trade to steal design tips from Mother Nature, but–after all–she knows best how to decorate with the seasons.

Natural January light can be very bright, sometimes reflecting even at night off of the snow outside.  Using dark, dull tones inside flattens the light, but something bright and cheery like this Edwardian floral brings a little sparkle and energy.  Adding dimension in your designs to prevent solid chunks of flat color allows the light to play instead of being captured in one bright spot, so it’s best to avoid color blocking.