Irish-Italian Eyes in Boston

Published by Audrey Hopkins on

intertwinedcircles taupe multiRecently, I discovered the completely unique mixture of the Irish-Italian Bostonian.  Walking along a nice, old brick street a man with a very thick Irish accent opened a door onto the street and said “scusi” when he narrowly avoided running into me.  Scusi is the Italian word for “pardon me.”  I smiled, but it wasn’t until the end of the street that I could put the Italian language and Irish accent together into anything comprehensible.  These are two very separate cultures when you look at the map and when I look at two different branches of my own family, yet here they were combined.  I have since discovered it is very common to have this dual ethnicity in Boston, but it was quite a shock the first time I encountered it!

In honor of this encounter, I did a little Irish motif in Italian couture style.