Challenge: Working Around Straight Lines

Published by Audrey Hopkins on

auddie02 001It is so important to challenge yourself in art.  Picking something that is against your grain is always rewarding.  As Edward O. Wilson (the greatest living American biologist) said in a lecture last night, criticism against one of his scientific theories spurred him on to write a rebuttal book that won him a Pulitzer.

In the same way, challenging oneself as an artist can lead to greater heights.  Since I do a lot with straight lines, I decided to play around with working a design that has only curves.  I started with a plain old grid and worked through a few circles that were fairly boring until I decided to mix it up with another shape.  There are, of course, still straight lines here, but I like the result.  I think this will make fun patio cushions in limes and yellows or a glitzy cell cover.

Be sure to let me know if you do something fun with this challenge!

