Design Thoughts from Auddie’s Sketchbook

Photo-Realism in Art

When I was a student, I used to spend hours drawing from photographs in magazines. This is a time honored practice taught in art classes with the one drawback that while you are learning skills, you aren’t creating something new, but rather copying someone else’s composition. Is it art? Do you have the right to sell it? (more…)

Decorating Small Spaces with Garden Know-How

On a garden tour in Cambridge, I learned to appreciate the use of gardening to fill-in and texturize small spaces.

One garden consisted of an allee — the kind of silver birch tree walkway found in Europe, usually leading away from a house and out to some spectacular view in nature. In Cambridge, it was a small alley between several houses. From the outside you didn’t recognize it as a planned planting, but from the narrow walkway inside, you had the pleasure of something quiet and hidden away from the busy, urban streets outside. (more…)

The Line

The line, the line, the line!  It swirls and twirls forming shapes without thought, without worry or care. Pencil to paper, colored markers on acetate, black ink on textured surfaces—it doesn’t matter. The only thing that does matter is the pleasure of developing your creation. (more…)

Desmond Eagle

Graphic Designer

Pok pok direct trade godard street art, poutine fam typewriter food truck narwhal kombucha wolf cardigan butcher whatever pickled you.