Spring Green…

Published by Audrey Hopkins on

Spring GreenSpring on the East Coast is finally in full bloom…  As I walked the red-brick and iron-railed streets of Boston today, kids were playing on fresh, green baseball diamonds, gardeners were busy with watering hoses, a pair of cleaning women walked in their shirt-sleeves with baskets of supplies without fear of rain or coats, animals ran crooked paths in Spring-time glee and the drunken stupor of having enough to eat…  and everywhere were leaves!  So much so that I did not even recognize a street I walked many times in the winter!

If Boston were the kind of town where you called out “Hello!” to your neighbors, I would have done that many, many times today…  as it was, I contained my spring enthusiasm with a few quick chats with dog owners.  Thank goodness for dogs!!  This is not the first time I have thought this, but I just want to say I think dogs add a lot of friendly into our lives and I appreciate that!

I can hardly help quoting ee cummings in Spring:

“in Just-spring when the world is mud-luscious

the little lame balloonman whistles far and wee 

and eddieandbill come running from marbles and piracies

and it’s spring when the world is puddle-wonderful”

When I sat at my computer after that lovely walk, I could not help but think of the shades of green that are unique to spring.  Summer lawns are lovely, but Spring greens, being so welcome and novel and pristine, beckon one to stroll through a park and discover each growing thing as friends lost but found again.