Holiday Table

Published by Audrey Hopkins on

auddie6 001 001_5_motif_expanded_rotatedThe weather has turned chilly, faded leaves swirl on the ground, and Americans are fondly picturing the Thanksgiving feast while they turn up their coat collars.

I usually think about what to put out with the turkey and cranberries around this time and, more importantly, what to do with the holiday table?  Gold or silver?  Color or monochrome?  Ribbons, runners, chargers and centerpieces … oh my!

But, in the end, I usually like to keep it simple, bold, and classic.  It is the one un-commercial holiday, after all; it deserves our best.  We will come together just for the sake of family, tradition and good things to eat.  In many homes it will be special, ethnic dishes that celebrate the family history.  I like that.  I like that there will be tortillas, egg rolls, baba ganoush, greens, lasagna, and maybe Ethiopian bread.  It’s the most American thing we do.  Millions of us eating around the table on the same day just thinking it’s good to be here.  For all those who may dread it, we return like homing pigeons to find our way home for Thanksgiving.