Optimism and Art Deco

Published by Audrey Hopkins on

One of the truly alluring things about art deco is its optimism.  Fundamentally,  the use of varied and new materials,  the sweeping masterstroke of its grandiose and larger than life imagery,  the distilled ideas and sculpted design were a shared hope for better times.

For it was, indeed,  a transnational movement based on belief in a glorious future.  A future depicted in bold design that captured enthusiasms for modern life.   Imagination was the key and artists everywhere rose to the challenge of pursuing all their dreams for the future in the sleekest, brightest, and most cutting edge manner.

As artists,  we should embrace the same optimism.  Believe in the bright tomorrow and reflect it in your work.   Seize the newest materials,  reduce the ideas with elegance, and be bold.





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