Global Design

  Spring is a time for change.  Not only do we throw open our doors and clean house, but all over the northern hemisphere we are taking the time to bond with our neighbors and friends after a harsh winter.  Our community building can lead to political change as we decide to address various issues together.  It is for this simple reason that spring is a good time to think globally, not just domestically.  Larger changes do affect us, whether we realize it or not.  From product shortages and available goods to technological innovation, global change is in our grocery store and our clothing store every day.  When it comes to design, this is a good time to experiment with these concepts.

As artists, we need to interpret what we are seeing and feeling around us, which makes spring themes come out of our pens and tablets naturally this time of year.  A good challenge for us right now is to not think just about housewares and flowers, but to pick up on global vibes.  (more…)